Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Walt Whitman Quote - Contradiction

‎"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"
- Walt Whitman

Update - LifeHacker posted a nice little blurb about this quote... "Next time you find yourself doing something unusual or contradictory that surprises other people or yourself, remember that you contain multitudes. Sometimes that contradiction is a sign of progress."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Redefining Balance

Are you taking in what other people's perception of balance is? Or are you defining balance based on what you want to do and what makes you happy & productive?

As a multipassionate person, you are constantly doing "too many things" and your life is always in a state of rebalancing - just when you think that you're doing everything you want to be doing, you find another interesting passion to explore or you realize that you've satisfied one of your current passions for the time being and you're ready for new challenges. People who only have one passion don't understand why our definition of 'balance' includes so many things and why it's constantly in a state of flux. But that's ok! Don't look to singularly-passionate people to define your balance - look inside yourself or at other multi-passionate people to see how to create balance in your life.

Your Assignment:
Look into your past and journal about how your life has been 'balanced' before. Were there time periods where you were totally engaged in only one main focus? If so, how long were you happy & productive doing only one passion?
Were there other times where you had 'too much' going on? Were you happy during those times? Do you see any similarities between these different happy time periods? Were you always working on the same number of big projects/jobs/businesses? Or maybe you always had something physically rewarding, something mentally rewarding, & something emotionally rewarding going on? Or perhaps you had one stable long-term passion and 1-2 new exciting possibilities?
Take a look at how you have 'balanced' your life before, and then take a look at your life is right now. Do you have those balancing aspects happening right now? If not, can you add them into your life to make yourself happier and more productive? Good luck with your balancing act! :-)

(Thanks to Lululemon for the video inspiration! And thanks to them for their wonderful clothing & attitude!)

© 2011 Multipassionate Coaching. All Rights Reserved.


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Teresa Gonczy, The Multipassionate Coach, inspires people with multiple loves & passions to live fully and embrace all of their interests! Read more about how to live a life you love while doing everything you want to do at