Products & Resources

Refuse to Choose!: 
Use All of Your Interests, Passions, and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams

Barbara Sher's book is one of the best for multipassionate people or 'Scanners' as Barbara calls us - she works you through exercises to realize that it's ok to be multipassionate, and then helps you to figure out what type of Scanner or multipassionate person you are and gives you tips and resources to design your life around all of your passions and interests.  I use a lot of Barbara's ideas in my coaching and the multipassionate quests & retreats.  Highly recommended!

The Renaissance Soul: 
Life Design for People with Too Many Passions to Pick Just One

Margaret Lobenstine wrote the second best book for multipassionate people, or Renaissance Souls as she refers to us.  Margaret focuses on figuring out your Focal Points and then creating your multipassionate life around them.  Again there are some great exercises to help you be happy as a multipassionate person or Renaissance Soul, and to realize that there is time enough to do everything you want!  Also highly recommended!

I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was: 
How to Discover What You Really Want and How to Get It

This is Barbara Sher's first book where she mentions Scanners or multipassionate people.  There's only one chapter and a few exercises specifically for multipassionates, but the rest of the book is full of amazing exercises to bust through your resistance points and what has been holding you back from living an amazing life.

One Person/Multiple Careers: 
A New Model for Work/Life Success

Marci Alboher talks a bit more about the practical work side of being a multipassionate person, or a Slash aka someone with slashes in their title such as store owner/dancer/coach/math teacher.  This book is great for those multipassionate people who have multiple jobs or businesses - it provides some wonderful suggestions and examples on how to have a slash career.  Recommended!

168 Hours:
You Have More Time Than You Think

Laura Vanderkam's book helps multipassionate people deal with one of our biggest issues - lack of time!  Laura uses lots of examples to show us that we have more time than we think - more time to play with all of our interests and passions!  I like her focus on a week, rather than a day, because a lot of multipassionate people need a longer time frame to fit in all that they want to do.